Gliderscore Tools Package

 Gliderscore Tools is a package of utilities to assist contest management with Gliderscore.  It is not necessary to install all the components unless you choose to.  There are 2 main tools in this package.  Skip down to the descriptions for the one(s) you are interested in:

·         Gliderscore Nagger – causes announcements during the event to alert specific pilots that their scores need to be entered.

·         Gliderscore Emails – allows you to email all or selected pilots links to their gliderscore data entry page.  Also allow you to get a list of emails you can copy and paste into your email program to send out announcements.


Gliderscore Nagger


Gliderscore nagger is a program that provides 3 features for gliderscore:


The nagger function provides announcements at the beginning of the prep time for each EVEN group.  The announcements are for pilots that have not entered one or more scores for the previously completed rounds.  The first announcement is at Round 2 Group 2, the next at Round 2 group 4.  If there are 5 groups then the next announcement is at Round 3 group 2.  The nagger delay parameter described below is the number of seconds after the start of the prep time that the announcements begin.  The default is 15 seconds.


NOTE: if a pilot withdraws the scorekeeper should mark them as retired in gliderscore.  This will stop them from being called out by the nagger in subsequent rounds.


The program is a standalone add-on and is not a part of the Gliderscore standard package.  It is maintained and supported by Jim Monaco ( not the gliderscore author.


Nagger Installation


MS Access (the database for gliderscore) can come in 2 main flavors: 32 bit and 64 bit and you need to install the correct version for the flavor.  To tell what version you have follow these steps:

  1. Open Access - click the windows icon at the bottom left of the screen and type: access
    1. You will see "Access App" displayed - click on it to open access.
  1. On the Access main screen click on "Account" in the lower left corner.
  2. On the right panel click on "About Access"


You will now see a screen like this - note in the yellow highlighted area if it says 32 or 64 bit.   That is the version of tools you need.

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The versions for installation are:

·         64-bit

o   gs_tools_installer-64.exe

·         32-bit

o   gs_tools_installer-32.exe 


The program is distributed as a self extracting zip file (.exe).  Download the correct installer and place it in the active gliderscore folder.  Execute the installer and it will place the required files in the required places.  Note that a windows security warning may appear.  If it does, choose MORE and RUN to continue the installation.


After executing the installer you will have a new folder called "Free Virtual Serial Ports".  This is the installer for a utility to create a special software serial port set.  This is used to capture the clock signals.  Note it is also possible to physically split the clock cable to capture the signals as well but this is much easier.   Click into the Free Virtual Serial Ports folder and double click on the file "free-virtual-serial-port-tools .exe" to install it.  When installing be sure to click the "Install with limited features" link so you are using the free version.  That is all you need.  When the program runs you will see the following screen.  Choose the highlighted option "Create Local Bridge".

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You will then get a  popup that displays 2 COM ports.  Write these down - you will need to know these later.  It will look like this:

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Click Create.


You will then get a warning that the ports are not permanent.  Check the box for create non-permanent device and then OK.

The warning indicates that after your computer restarts the ports will have to be created again.  To do this open your windows start menu and locate the HHD Virtual Serial Port Tools folder and open it and select Virtual Serial Port Tools then select Create Local Bridge again.


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Now you have the virtual ports installed.  We can configure Gliderscore.



We will be using PORT 2 in the gliderscore timer setup.  This sends the same timing signals that are sent to the clock to the virtual port.


  1. Set up gliderscore timer as you would normally, using port 1 for the clock.
    1. Usually port 1 is set up as follows:
    2. Graphical user interface, text, application

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  1. Next we set up Port 2 for the nagger.  All of the settings should be the same EXCEPT choose the lowest number of the ports that were created with the Virtual ports program.


That completes the setup on GliderscoreNext we set up the nagger.



Setting up the Nagger

First we have to tell the nagger how to run.  We do this by editing the gs_nagger.cmd file and setting the run parameters.

  1. Right click on the file gs_nagger.cmd and select EDIT.  The file should open in notepad or your favorite editor.
  2. Change the COM1 to be the higher com port from the pair you set in virtual ports e.g COM2
  3. Set the event value to the event ID of your event.  Get this from the escoring screen in Gliderscore.
  4. Set the delay to your desired delay.  This value is the number of seconds after the prep time starts to make the announcements.  15 is a reasonable value
  5. If you want to use text messages (SMS messages)  set the SMS value as follows:
    1. NOSMS means do not send text messages
    2. Any valid phone number can be used to test text messages.  If you put your phone number in when you run the timer it will send the text messages that would have gone to the pilots to your phone instead.  This is just for testing.
    3. SMS means send text messages to pilots.  Text messages will be sent to pilots that you have entered a Work Phone in gliderscore.  Only pilots with Work Phone set will receive messages.  Messages will be sent to pilots at the start of the working time of the previous group.
  1. If you want to enable a web page with contest status set the WEBSTATUS to:
    1. NOWEBSTATUS - the web page will not be created or updated.
    2. WEBSTATUS - a web page will be created and updated before each group.  This web page will show the round and group currently flying, the pilots in the current group and also list the pilots flying in the next group.
      Pilots can access the web page from the url:
         where XXX is the event ID from gliderscore.  You might post this url at the CD table for pilots to enter.  If you use the GSEmails program to send emails to the pilots then the link is also in the email they get with their scoring link.
  1. Save the file.


Running the Nagger


  1. Open windows explorer and click on your gliderscore folder.
  2. Click in the command line at the top and type: cmd - then hit enter.  A command prompt will open.
  3. In the command prompt type the following command:
    1. run_nagger verbose
      this will run the nagger and a lot of status info will be printed on the screen.  This is helpful if the announcements are not working.
    2. Run_nagger
      this will run the nagger in quiet mode.  There will only be a message that it is running.  No other messages will appear, even if there are errors.  I advise running the verbose option while testing.  There is no real down side to running the verbose mode all the time.  I like seeing it scrolling to see that it is working.



 Gliderscore Emails

This is a tool that allows contest directors to send emails to the pilots that contains important information for the contest.  This includes:

·         Link to the pilot score entry screen

·         An optional link to all pilot score entry screens

o   Used so pilots can help each other enter their scores

·         A link to the complete flight matrix

·         A link to the gliderscore online results page

·         A link to the contest status page (if the CD has enabled online web status)

o   Displays the currently flying round and group, the pilots currently flying and the pilots flying in the next group.


Email Example

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To run the program simply navigate to the gliderscore folder and double-click on the GSEmails-GUIxx.exe file where xx is either 32 or 64 for the system you are running on. The following screen will be displayed:

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